

2018年3月26日 星期一

#3 Collocation Biographies for Kids Stephen Hawking

1. His speech became slurred and he became very clumsy,
clumsy adjective
means:done without skill or in a way that offends people
sentence(can use with awkward):
clumsy + awkwardI think this particular interface would be clumsy and awkward.
2. he decided that there were things he wanted to accomplish with his life.
accomplish verb
means:to finish something successfully or to achieve something
sentence(a mission completed successful ):
mission + complete
Mission accomplished , as the saying goes.
3. Despite the initial grim diagnosis from his doctors,
grim adjectivemeans:worrying, without hopesentence(the situation is danger):situation + grimThe situation is grim , Diamond learns.
4. Perhaps his most famous discovery was when he demonstrated that black holes emit some radiation.
demonstrated verbmeans:to show something and explain how it workssentence(the research shows good):research + demonstrateThe research demonstrated that the program was effective.
5. This book covered modern subjects on cosmology such as the big bang and black holes in terms that could be understood by the average reader. 
cosmology nounmeans:the study of the nature and origin of the universesentence(book Four describes a new universe......)new + cosmologyBook Four describes a new cosmology uniting matter and consciousness.

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